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Provincial Election Q&A, Part Two

Lions Bay hears from MLA candidates

British Columbia goes to the polls on October 19, and campaigning is in full swing. The Watershed posed a series of questions to the candidates for the West Vancouver Sea to Sky riding.

Today we hear from Jen Ford, BC New Democratic Party (NDP) candidate.

  • Lions Bay is among a handful of municipalities that has struggled with accountability. Would you support a change in legislation or a provincial body to oversee Municipal Affairs?

Governments serve people. People deserve accountability, especially when it comes to elected officials who serve them. Working with local governments, we brought in the requirement for local governments to consider codes of conduct within six months of being elected.

About 70% of local governments have now enacted codes of conduct - but it’s clear that more can be done to support them in addressing issues, if they arise. We will continue to work with local governments to ensure they have the tools they need.

As chair of UBCM, I led work on how we can improve municipal government accountability. I hope to continue this work in provincial office.

  • With our village located on the Átl’ka7tsem / Howe Sound Biosphere, many Lions Bay residents are deeply concerned about environmental issues. What are your priorities to maintain or improve the protection of this region, taking into account the upcoming LNG transfer facility at Woodfibre, increased tourism, and water-related issues?

Our communities in BC have seen the effects of climate change first-hand. We've seen the worst forest fire season on record, major floods, droughts, and other extreme weather events. We need to act - to leave our children and grandchildren with a legacy of climate action, clean air, and the beautiful wilderness that we enjoy.

We're taking action to fight pollution. We've implemented CleanBC, one of the most ambitious climate plans on the continent, which we worked closely with the Green Party to develop. Under this plan, we've brought in an emissions cap on the oil and gas industry, and are creating good jobs and building a clean economy by supporting the clean energy and clean technology sectors.

When it comes to LNG, we believe that rather than saying no to all development, or saying yes to all development, there is a better way forward - bringing the oil and gas sector within our climate plan, and requiring all new facilities to have a credible plan to go net-zero.

Our plan is working. We've got the strongest economy in Canada, and emissions are down despite our growing population. 

In this election, there is a clear choice. John Rustad has called climate science a "lie" and wants to rip up our climate plan. David Eby will keep climate action going. We have more to do to leave a clean, beautiful and prosperous province to our kids. Let's keep up the fight for our climate.

  • Highway safety is top of mind for many residents along the Sea to Sky Corridor. What will you do to improve safety for drivers for whom Highway 99 is the only route to and from their homes?

People need to get where they're going - safely. They shouldn't have to worry about reckless drivers when they're just trying to get home. We're taking action to make our highways safer. We're putting in place a new deterrent that ties the cost of a speeding ticket directly to the value of cars valued over $150,000, to crack down on reckless supercar drivers. And we're putting in place a dedicated highway patrol, to reduce policing costs and let the RCMP tackle crime instead.

  • What else would you like to share with voters in Lions Bay?

The Sea-to-Sky is home. I know our communities, I know our issues. I know what drives our prosperity, I know what we need our representatives in Victoria to fight for, and I have the government experience needed to fight for it effectively. 

Send me to Victoria, and I will be your champion.

Jen Ford, BC NDP Candidate West Vancouver Sea to Sky


This is the second in a series of articles in The Watershed in the lead-up to the provincial election on October 19. Leave your comments below, or email us at


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rose dudley

Thank you, Karen, for giving the Candidates a forum, and thank you to those who have already answered your questions. I agree with Robin's comments.

Anyone who supports LNG and Fracking needs to watch the documentary," Voices From the Sacrifice Zone-Fracking in BC's North. That, alone, should leave you in no doubt as to where to cast your vote!


Robin Spano

She seems really great, but the LNG (support of fracked gas) is a deal breaker for me. Thanks for publishing these interviews!

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