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Writer's picture: kc dyerkc dyer

Updated: Apr 17, 2023

Letter to the Editor: The Importance of All-Candidate Meetings

Empowering the Citizens of Lions Bay:

The Necessity of an All-Candidates Meeting

in the By-Election


Dear Editor,

As the Lions Bay by-election nears, our community faces a critical decision — choosing a candidate to represent our values and shape the village's future. Amidst increased polarization, it's crucial for us as citizens to make informed decisions. An all-candidates meeting can provide a democratic platform for voters to engage with candidates personally and intellectually. In so doing, we must not lose sight of the fact that each candidate has bravely stepped forward to serve our community, and that we are all neighbours in a small village.


All-candidates events allow voters to hear candidates' stances side-by-side, compare visions for Lions Bay, and assess their suitability to lead. Providing a forum for open discussion, all-candidates meetings break down barriers and foster unity among constituents and neighbours. They also offer insights into candidates' priorities, ideas, and long-term goals, enabling informed decisions on May 6.


All-candidates meetings encourage healthy competition and accountability. Candidates must articulate their positions and defend their ideas, resulting in better-informed policies and a stronger democratic process. In our fast-paced digital world, it's easy to get lost in social media noise. An all-candidates meeting brings democracy back to its roots — face-to-face interactions, open dialogue, and informed decision-making.


By supporting and attending such a meeting, we can confidently cast informed votes and elect the right candidate to lead our community. It is crucial for the Village to organize an all-candidates meeting, with both candidates and their campaigns collaborating to make it happen. As community members and neighbours, we must demand this event, ensuring our voices are heard and our concerns addressed. Only through active participation and open dialogue can we empower our community and shape Lions Bay Village's future.



Ehsan Monfared,

Concerned Village Resident

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23 Komentar

Anggota tidak dikenal
18 Apr 2023

Hi, I am Emilie Montgomery a 31 year resident. I think it is fortunate that we have 2 highly qualified, enthusiastic and caring residents running for political office. I think it is disappointing to me that one of the interviewees has negative comments about current council! These are the people she will have to work with, spend hours at a table with - a negative attitude about coworkers may not be a good start? My hope is that current mayor and council are allowed to do their job and make the Village a more fiscally efficient run place - Spending $1.454 million dollars on staff alone in 2021 - for a small village of 547 homes with no sewers an…


Jan Jaye
Jan Jaye
18 Apr 2023

For many of us we do not need an all candidates meeting. The choice is very simple, we cannot vote for a friend of the mayor who will give him his desired control of council as well as control--through his friends who he employed there--of the office. We need balance otherwise residents will have no voice and no village left at all. Jaime already has my vote.

rose dudley
19 Apr 2023
Membalas kepada

Thank you Jan Jaye. I don't know you, but I agree with everything you have stated here, which is why I will vote for a strong, experienced, ethical candidate who is not aligned with either side and will make wise decisions based on what is best for us- the residents.


Ute Philips
Ute Philips
18 Apr 2023

At the Apr 4th council meeting interim CAO/CFO Ron Miller was directed by Council to contact a neutral independent facilitator for a village directed all candidates meeting. This apparently was not followed through as evidenced by David Shore's comments below.

rose dudley
19 Apr 2023
Membalas kepada

Well, David, let's go back to the beginning of this whole saga when it was the peaceful , happy Lions Bay we all knew. That's when a small group of "passionate people" decided it needed to fix something that wasn't broken and instigated the "us against them" regime.

The actions of a few led to the chaos and division in the village that we now face- loss of a stable Council and our collegial, experienced and knowledgeable staff who it will be impossible to replace.

Somehow, those of us who were content with the status quo, but are now angry and upset by the devastating outcome of the actions of a few who believed they were speaking for the majority…


David Shore
David Shore
18 Apr 2023

I'd like to clarify some facts...

A couple of weeks ago I contacted the village office to find out what dates had been arranged for the all candidates meeting. I was told that the village office was advised not to run these events by the ministry of elections to avoid conflict. So I asked what dates would be available and the only weeknight that was not booked for other activities was April 25th, so I booked it.

My intent from the outset was to secure a venue for both candidates, with the same format we all experienced at the previous all candidates meeting (with the obvious reduction in time relative to two candidates versus 11). I reached out to the…

Leslie Nolin
18 Apr 2023
Membalas kepada

The fact that you David have anything to do with this means it is NOT a village event. you have stated that clearly above.

You are not a village employee who works without bias. You held Candidate meetings for Tanya. Stop trying to appear as someone working for the good of the community- you are Working on behalf of one candidate. Do you really think the people in this village cant see through that?


Noelene Searle
18 Apr 2023

Both candidates should demand an impartial all- candidates meeting with a non-village resident host. Aren’t we working to reduce the fractures in the village and build trust? This isn’t the way to do so. Do better.

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