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Writer's picturekc dyer

Noodling With Numbers

Latest census changes worth a look

The census data included in the two most recent annual reports issued by the Village is awash in information about the population of Lions Bay.

While raw numbers are seldom interesting to those without a mathematical bent, when translated into the folks who live on your street, the trends are quite interesting.

The data cited in the 2021 Annual Report springs from the 2016 census, while that in the 2022 Annual Report is drawn from the 2021 census. The Watershed has taken a look at the numbers, and even given the vagaries of mathematical error, some interesting trends emerge.

A few salient changes from 2016 to 2021:

  • The population of the Village increased from somewhere in the mid 1,300s in 2016 to closer to 1,400 in 2021 – some 50 souls, more or less.

  • The average household size in that time changed very little, from 2.7 persons per household to 2.8. The largest group represented in the village remains the two-person family.

  • Even with the increase, the average number of minors (19 years and under) remained similar, moving from 20% of the population in 2016 to 21% by 2021.

  • Significantly, the middle-ground, tax-paying population aged between 20-64 years dropped from 62% of the population down to 53%.

  • The biggest change is in the over-65s, with what was a solid 17% of the population growing to a staggering 25%. Compare this to Statistics Canada's average of 19% across the country.

A big takeaway from this is the change in the local tax base. Individuals are working longer than in the past, but taxation rates, hospitalization rates and of course, rates of illness and death markedly increase in the over-65 population. The tax-paying portion of the population is now supporting about the same number of young people, but a hefty 8% more seniors than they were just five years ago.

Data taken from Village of Lions Bay 2021 (2016 census) and 2022 (2021 census) Annual Reports

According to StatsCan, the age of an average Canadian is 41, while the age of the average Lions Bay resident is closer to 45.

These trends reflect those of society at large, now that the baby boom generation has reached retirement years. But perhaps the cost of housing has some bearing, with younger people less able to enter the property market here in the village. As of May 27, there are 20 houses for sale in Lions Bay. Even removing the two top-end houses – priced at just under $9 million and $19 million – the remaining house prices average out to $2.8 million.

Food for thought.

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Thank you, Karen, for providing these interesting statistics.


While I wish it were true, one doesn't stop paying taxes once one hits 65 ;-)

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