Activation of EOC supercedes daily operations

As of Wednesday afternoon, the Lions Bay Village Office has officially suspended all non-essential daily operations as a result of last weekend's deadly landslide.
Instead, office staff and facilities will be devoted to focusing on the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) that has been set up to coordinate ongoing search and investigative efforts resulting from the disaster.
The announcement came via yesterday's Village Update.
"As part of our commitment to supporting the community and ensuring public safety, all non-essential office operations have been temporarily suspended to allow our team to focus entirely on coordinating and providing the necessary support to the EOC."
The announcement acknowledges that this may pose an inconvenience to some residents, particularly as the utilities payment deadline occurs over the holiday period. Utility payments can still be dropped off in the form of a cheque through the Village Office mailbox, or paid through most banking institutions.
As the phones will only be sporadically monitered, residents with questions can email
No further information has been released with regard to the ongoing search for the resident who has been missing since the landslide.