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Celebrating Lions Bay Workers

Happy May Day!

Here at The Watershed, we spill a lot of ink on members of Village Council and executives including the Chief Administrative Officer, Financial Officer and Public Works Manager.

But since May Day (also known as International Workers' Day) is traditionally the day unionized workers are celebrated in Canada, what better time to raise a hand to wave when a member of our Village Public Works crew drives past?

The Works Crew includes Garth Begley, Alberto Urrutia, Andrew Smethurst and Gary Stamer, plus one member who prefers not to be named. These are the guys that keep the roads clear, the water safe and running and all the other day-to-day tasks that keep Lions Bay moving. The bylaw enforcement positions are currently open.

And let's not forget the group behind the counter at the office, where you'll find Deputy Corporate Officer Marina Blagodarov, Administrative Assistant Jordan Szmidt, Building Official Dave Butler and Municipal Accountant Karen Jeffrey. This gang keep all the behind-the-scenes administrative tasks ticking along.

Together, the Works and office crew are the group that gets things done around the Village. Drop them a word of thanks when you get a chance!

On a different note, May Day celebrations highlighting the coming of summer hark back to the Roman era, when festivals featuring the gods Dionysus, Aphrodite and Flora took place in early May. Maypole dances and early summer celebrations have been recorded in medieval times, and may have been held as far back as the Iron Age.

The longest-standing celebration of May Day in the world has been taking place very near here in New Westminster, happening annually since 1870.

However you celebrate, we wish you a Happy May Day!

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Thank you, Karen, for featuring International Workers' Day to celebrate those who keep our Village functioning. Sometimes, they have to carry out their duties in unfavorable conditions, but they always manage to greet us with a smile and a helping hand. Where would we be without them?

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