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Writer's picturekc dyer

Campers in the Village Watershed

Campfire Violates Fire Ban But Camping Itself Not Illegal

Earlier this week, local hikers began reporting the discovery of a campsite located on Trudi's Trail, high above Lions Bay. Pictures began circulating on social media, with village residents expressing concern regarding the fire danger that an open campfire poses in the currently tinder-dry conditions. Concerns were also expressed for the well-being of the camper, who left a note asking passers-by to leave the site untouched, but welcoming donations of water or food.

Public Works Manager Karl Buhr told The Watershed that both Public Works (PW) staff and members of Lions Bay Fire Rescue (LBFR) had visited the site. He said the site was located within Village limits and is therefore subject to Lions Bay bylaws. After seeing evidence of a campfire on Friday night, Buhr says that PW and LBFR handled the situation "sympathetically" and that the campers had moved on by mid-afternoon Saturday.

As of July 7, in the Coastal Fire Centre there is currently a Category 1 open fire ban throughout the region, apart from Haida Gwaii. According to the Parks Regulations by-law, overnight camping in Lions Bay parks is prohibited, but there is no bylaw prohibiting camping elsewhere in the Village.

Crown land holds a similar status. Says Buhr: "While it is legal to camp up to three days in one location on provincial Crown lands – that is, between the municipality and the provincial park along the ridge – we would prefer not to give anyone the idea [to camp] in our water catchment and while the fire danger ranges from High to Extreme."

The Watershed has also reached out to Fire Chief Barret Germscheid for his comments.

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gail craig
Jul 10, 2023

Council very quickly needs to prepare a Bylaw prohibiting camping overnight "elsewhere" in the Village, since the only bylaw currently referring to camping relates to in "parks" only.

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