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Breaking: Works Manager Nai Jaffer Resigns

Loss of 30 years municipal experience leaves big shoes to fill

Lions Bay's Public Works Manager of seven years, Nai Jaffer resigned his position with the village this evening, The Watershed has learned.

Widely respected for his high level of knowledge as much as his affable style, Nai will be sorely missed by residents and colleagues alike. Profiled here in the pages of The Watershed less than a week ago, his thoughtful, reasoned approach to problem-solving, his solid work ethic and his broad range of knowledge mean that he leaves enormous shoes to fill. Until his resignation, Nai was the last remaining senior staff member with municipal experience from previous village councils.

The Watershed is following this story, and will file updates as they become available.

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Opmerkingen zijn uitgezet.
Norma Rodgers
Norma Rodgers
16 apr. 2023

Our experienced, happy and stable workforce has been eviscerated. I am sad and mad!

Goodbye Nai, you have been an excellent works manager.


michael broughton
16 apr. 2023

Council has as yet has not been informed of Mr Jaffer's resignation.

Dave Butler
16 apr. 2023
Reageren op

absolutely, counselor wake up and smell the roses.


douglas miller
16 apr. 2023

I trust that our Mayor's seemingly endless expertise includes how to work a shovel.

16 apr. 2023

This is indeed bad news for the Village. I expressed my understanding why he made this decision but bitter disappointment that it came to this earlier to Nai this evening.


j dudley
16 apr. 2023

This is such a huge loss for the village in every way.

Nai was always so supportive of our team of Trailblazers who built and maintain our village trail system. The members of the Works Department helped us in so many ways. Now that we have lost 3 of them it will be more difficult for our small team to maintain the trails that everyone loves to hike.

Good luck Nai ! You will be greatly missed.

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