Celebrating the lives of Barbara and David Enns

Lions Bay residents, friends and relatives came from near and far this week to remember Barbara and David Enns, who died when their home was swept away by a landslide in December.
Jody Dyer and Michael Enns shared memories of their parents at the event held Saturday at the Village Hall.
Jody said it was important that her parents not be defined by this tragedy, but by their full, rich lives as parents, grandparents and cherished friends.
David was remembered as a plain-spoken man who was always up for adventure, whether it be working as a logger, a tug-boat hand, a property manager or a water-slide park designer. Barb's career was in banking and she was remembered for her wonderful cooking, hospitality, creativity and her kind and adventurous spirit.
"My mother became the glue that held our family together, and from what I've read, for many in this community, too," said Michael.
Together they raised Michael and Jody in a variety of homes in Lions Bay, and adventured around the world in sailboats, down ski slopes and in roof-top tents. As their children grew up with the Dudley and Gienger kids, Barb and Dave used their spare time to rebuild a sailboat, which they sailed through the Panama Canal and the Sea of Cortez.
With friends, they canoed the Bowron Lakes in the Cariboo, hiked the West Coast Trail and pedalled their bikes through Europe and down the West Coast of North America. They toured the world from South Africa to the Arctic Circle.
Friends and other family members shared stories and memories of Barb and Dave's kindness and adventures. Long-time former resident Harold Gienger, who said he had known the Enns family for 53 years, said he struggled to find words to deal with the loss.
Harold's daughter Tanya Cosgrave, who emceed the event, said that among the rubble of the Enns' home, family members managed to find love letters exchanged by Barb and Dave when they were courting. In tribute, she sang a Karen Carpenter song in their memory.
Long-time resident John Dudley said he'd met Barb and Dave in 1972, and remembered that their record collection meant they soon had the party house in the neighbourhood. He shared memories that ranged from inadvertently boiling mice to an investment club where he "remembered the bucks going in, but couldn't recall any coming out." He reminded everyone who walks along the Centennial Trail that many of the benches there were built by David Enns.
Rose Dudley shared a half-century of memories, including the hatred of running she shared with Barb. She said Barb was the chief motivator for the group, encouraging Rose and the other members of their running group to compete in the Vancouver Sun Run each year.
"Every year it's been a challenge for me to raise the minimum number of eight runners for our team, but this year we have 51 people signed up for the Sun Run. What a testament to the love we all have for Barb and Dave."
She said that after all the stories shared about the Enns, “we all have big shoes to fill”.
In recent years, Jody said she and Michael had been pushing their parents to consider leaving Lions Bay, but Barb and Dave had not wanted to go. "In the end, they got what they wanted," she said. "And you can't be too sad, because they loved it here and they had a great life."
Jody's stepson Leif offered his thanks to first responders who helped with the search and recovery efforts. "Lions Bay Search and Rescue, Fire Department, paramedics and police are all to be applauded for their selfless efforts."
Those interested in running the Vancouver Sun Run in memory of Barb can find more information HERE.
Share your memories of Barbara and Dave below,
or email editor@lionsbaywatershed.ca
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It’s so sad that it takes a tragic event like this to bring the village closer together.
. I still remember vividly the Alberta Creek disaster 42 years ago when David and Tom Wade lost their lives in a debris torrent. That event made us proud to be part of such a caring community.
David and Barbara we are devastated that you are no longer part of our lives, but you will live in our memories for the rest of ours.
From David Butler:
A wonderful tribute to two Lions Bay residents, David and Barbara, who loved and lived life to the fullest.