Local school children learn the bear necessities
By Norma Rodgers, Bear Smart Committee Chair

The Lions Bay Bear Smart Committee sponsored a bear educator from the North Shore Black Bear Society to visit Lions Bay Primary School on March 10.
Holly Reisner spoke to the kindergarten and Grade 1 class in the morning about all the things bears do and what to do if you encounter a bear. Her afternoon session for Grades 2 and 3 offered more bear facts. Holly was impressed with our students’ bear knowledge.
We wanted to educate the students in March because bears will soon be emerging from their dens and searching for food. Now that bear activity is imminent we need to be vigilant about storing garbage and food waste so that it is inaccessible to wildlife, and adhere to bylaw provisions that limit the amount of time bears have roadside access to your compost and recycling bins.
Residents who want to learn more about bears can visit lionsbaybearsmart.ca
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